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Guide us toward a potential Kappa

We want to know if there’s an outstanding woman who would make a great Kappa. Tell us about her by using Kappa’s online reference system. Only members of Kappa Kappa Gamma may submit a reference. If you are an undergraduate member, your reference must be for a potential new member at a different school than where you attend.

To submit a reference visit and log in. The online system submits references directly to the Membership Team.

We appreciate your help in building the future of Kappa.

Do you know a legacy or someone who would be a a perfect fit for Gamma Eta? We would LOVE to hear from you! We have many forms online through our national website where you can submit these forms! We promise to give careful consideration as they participate in Sorority Recruitment during the fall!
If you have any questions regarding recruitment or Gamma Eta membership, please contact:
Membership Chairman