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It’s not all work and no play for the KKG women, and one of our favorite activities are sisterhoods. A sisterhood is an event that is arranged by the assistant activities chairwoman, allotting us an activity to bond as an entire chapter. Simple movie nights, piled into our living room with pizza and ice cream can take place, or decorating cookies to give to other Greek houses! One of our favorite sisterhoods during the Fall 2014, was our "Kappa loves our Troops". During this sisterhood, we put together over 15 care packages for troops that are serving, giving them many essential items and letters to show our appreciation for what they do. For our end of the year sisterhood during Spring 2015, we had  "Kamp Kappa", which our sisters had the opportunity to make dream catchers,s'mores, and also learned some Kappa traditional songs! Sisterhoods are the perfect way to bond and connect with your sisters, no matter what activity occurs.


Kappa <3's our Troops

Kamp Kappa